FAQ: Play Prep Autism Program

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Play Prep Autism Program

Funding and Enrollment:
Is Play Prep a tuition-based program? Yes, Play Prep is tuition-based, providing a structured and specialized learning environment for your child. In some cases, you may be able to bill insurance for a portion of the program. Play Prep is an early intervention program. Stride Therapy and Wellness is contracted to provide early intervention services through Missouri First Steps. Parents interested in learning more about Early Intervention services can contact us at 314-833-8848. Additional information is also available through the Missouri First Steps Program.

How does the enrollment process function? Enrollment operates on a rolling basis, providing the flexibility to join Play Prep at any point throughout the year.

Home Sessions and Parent Involvement:

What do home sessions look like in Play Prep? Home sessions follow a parent coaching model, where our team collaborates with you to provide strategies and techniques that support your child's progress in daily routines.

How do home sessions benefit my child's development? Home sessions bridge the gap between the specialized center-based program and home environment, ensuring consistent skill acquisition and generalization across settings. We work with families to ensure that skills carry over across settings.

What is the role of parents in the Play Prep program? Parents play a pivotal role in Play Prep. You're empowered with strategies, tools, and techniques to help your child generalize skills learned in the program to their everyday life. In addition to the parent coaching that you woll receive in your home, you will also have access to Stride’s Parent Empowerment Sessions.

Program Structure and Daily Routine:

What does a typical day in the Play Prep program look like? A typical day at Play Prep is designed to provide a well-rounded and engaging experience for your child. Our program follows a structured routine that includes a variety of enriching activities, play-based therapy, group interactions, and personalized one-on-one support. Each child's unique developmental milestones are taken into consideration as we offer a holistic approach to learning. Our team of therapists remains actively engaged with your child throughout the day, ensuring consistent and dedicated guidance across different activities. Learning centers, led by your child’s teacher or therapists, create a dynamic learning environment that caters to individual needs and encourages exploration and growth..

How is the Play Prep program structured? Play Prep offers a half-day program, Monday through Thursday. It's a 3.5-hour session dedicated to fostering growth, learning, and social interaction. In-home parent coaching sessions are held on Fridays

Differentiating Play Prep from ABA Programs:

Is Play Prep an ABA program? While Play Prep is not exclusively an ABA program, it is significantly ABA supported. Our unique approach blends play-based strategies with a holistic framework. We prioritize the development of play skills, speech and language skills, social abilities, and early learning, all while incorporating key ABA strategies. Children enrolled in Play Prep may also receive ABA assessment and consultation, if deemed appropriate, to supplement their programming. By combining these approaches, we create an enriching environment that nurtures your child's growth across various developmental aspects. This tailored blend allows us to cater to each child's individual needs, fostering well-rounded progress.

What sets Play Prep apart from traditional ABA programs? Play Prep stands out by offering a balanced and all-encompassing developmental approach. Unlike traditional ABA programs that often focus solely on behavioral interventions, Play Prep prioritizes play-based therapy, sensory processing skills, speech development, and social motivation. We understand that many behaviors are rooted in sensory and communication challenges, which is why our program places significant emphasis on enhancing sensory processing skills and speech development. By addressing these foundational areas, we effectively target and address behaviors in a holistic manner, leading to improved overall development. Play Prep's approach is comprehensive, recognizing the interplay between sensory and speech development and their impact on behavior.

Child-Centered Approach:

How does Play Prep support my child's individual needs? Play Prep is firmly rooted in a child-centered approach. We recognize that each child's developmental journey is unique, and our interventions are meticulously tailored to align with their specific requirements. By deeply understanding your child's strengths, challenges, and interests, we create a personalized roadmap for their progress. Our experienced team collaborates with you to set goals and strategies that resonate with your child's unique pace and preferences. This personalized approach ensures that your child receives the support they need to achieve maximum growth and success.

What benefits does Play Prep offer for my child's overall development? Play Prep is designed to enhance speech development, sensory processing, social skills, and readiness for preschool, giving your child a strong foundation for future success.

Trauma-Informed Care:

What is Trauma-Informed Care, and how does it impact my child's experience? Trauma-Informed Care is a fundamental aspect of Play Prep's approach. It encompasses creating an environment that prioritizes your child's emotional well-being and fosters a sense of safety and security. Our team has received Trauma Informed Care training to ensures that your child's experience at Play Prep is nurturing, empowering, and tailored to their emotional journey.

Parent Empowerment and Communication:

How will I be involved in my child's Play Prep journey? Play Prep values your involvement. Through parent coaching, regular updates, and collaborative goal-setting, you'll play an active role in your child's development. You can stay informed about classroom activities and progress through our online app.


How does Play Prep prepare my child for the transition to preschool? Play Prep hones skills that effortlessly transfer to traditional preschool settings. We focus on play skills, self regulation, attentiveness, social interaction, sensory processing, and speech development. By mastering these fundamentals, your child gains confidence and readiness, ensuring a seamless transition and successful adaptation.

Program Details and Support:

What is the teacher-student ratio in Play Prep? Play Prep maintains a small group ratio of 1 adult to every 2-3 children, ensuring personalized attention and quality support.

Can my child with diverse needs beyond Autism benefit from Play Prep? Absolutely. While our focus is on Autism and developmental delays, our skilled team tailors interventions to diverse needs, empowering every child's journey to success.

We're here to answer your questions and support your child's growth every step of the way!

If you have further inquiries, feel free to reach out to use at 314-833-8848 or Complete The Online Interest Form!


Job Openings: Speech Language Pathologist | Speech Therapist


Now Enrolling! Play Prep Autism Program